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Viva Village

Enriching Our Lives As We Age

VV Voice PDF June 2024

Viva Village Summer Picnic, July 2024

Viva Village is a Beaverton-area grassroots organization of members and volunteers who believe in the power of community. Our focus is enhancing and expanding the ways we can age well. 

We provide connections, programs, volunteer services, and referrals so members can lead engaged, healthy lives.

We are a member of Villages NW nonprofit Hub & Spoke Network that provides organizational support to Villages across the greater Portland metro area.

 Learn More

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Aging With Grace: Conscious Living, Conscious Dying

Saturday, November 9, 1–4 pm

Southminster Presbyterian Church

12250 SW Denney Road
Beaverton OR 97008

Registration opens October 1

$10/non-member or $5/additional non-member

No charge for Viva Village
members and volunteers

503-746-5082 or

Accepting our mortality to
enhance our living

A Conversation among Experts:
Rev. Jo Laurence, MA, BCC
Nancy Linnon, MA, MFA
Jennifer Traeger, MSW, LCSW

Our Moderator:
Holly Pruett, MA

Q&A Session to follow

Learn more about Aging with Grace 2024

White Rose, AWG 2024 Logo

Thank you to our sponsors:

Southminster Presbyterian Church
Washington County DAVS
Safeway (NW Cornell Road)
Trader Joe's

Viva Village

Viva Village Interview
Tualatin Valley Community TV

Learn More
about Viva Village

First Responders:
What to Expect

September 16, 2–3:30 pm

What happens when first responders
arrive on the scene?

Colin O'Reardon of Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
will talk with us about what to expect.

Register for Viva Village Forum

Beaverton First United 
Methodist Church

12555 SW 4th Street, Beaverton 97005 

Sponsored by Viva Village

Viva Village logo 2 (edited)

Viva Village 101
Viva Village 101—Online 

Saturday, September 14, 2024
10–11:30 am

Age in the home you love and
the neighborhood you know

Click here to register

Or call 503-746-5082

Viva Village Brochure


Viva Village
4905 SW Griffith Drive, #104
Beaverton OR 97005

Office Hours:
Monday–Thursday: 10 am–4 pm
Friday: 10 am–1 pm