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Viva Village
Founding Members and Donors

Viva Village was created through the generosity of many people who gave
their expertise, time, and money.

The following people helped launch Viva Village with
their gifts of $500 as an individual or $750 or more as a couple.

Founding Members

Bonnie Barksdale
Carmela Bowns
Larry and Kathy Brown
Rae Coleman
Kathe Fradkin
Ellin Johnson
Ross and Nancy Miller
Ramune Nagisetty and Guus Diks
Sara Sheets
June Stambaugh
Don and Jan Wolf

Founding Donors

Suzanne Boyd
Jacqueline Eyde
Jim and Ann Kenny
Pat Weiss

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2016.10.14 VivaVillageLaunchRibbonCutting.jpg
Viva Village Launch Celebration
October 14, 2016