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HomeAging with Grace 2023
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Aging with Grace 2023

Embracing Our New Normals

Aging with Grace is an educational forum
presented annually by Viva Village

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Peace Rose, AWG 2023 Logo

AWG 2023 Speaker Glenn Rodriguez MD

Glenn Rodriguez, M.D.

A retired Oregon family physician
with a passion for geriatrics

Following his 41-year career as a geriatrician, medical educator, and physician executive,
Dr. Rodriguez has remained active in health policy, serving as a director on the CareOregon, Oregon Medical Association, and St. Charles Health System Boards.

As we age:

What are the normal physiological changes we might expect?

How does our engagement with the healthcare system change?

How can we best manage and benefit from our "new normals"?

Recommended Books
from Our Presenters and the
Viva Village Aging with Grace
Planning Team

Aging with Grace Bibliography–2023

VV Aging with Grace, November 11, 2023

AWG 2023 Speaker Jenny Sasser, Ph.D.

Jenny Sasser, Ph.D.

An educational gerontologist

Dr. Sasser teaches in the Gerontology Program at Portland Community College and is a Teaching and Learning Specialist in the Center of Teaching and Learning Excellence there. She is the founding director of the former Gerontology Program at Marylhurst University.

Aging with Grace Past Presentations and Resources

Aging with Grace 2018

Aging with Grace 2018

Focusing on What’s Really Important

Aging with Grace 2019

Aging with Grace 2019

Navigating Through the Personal Journey of Aging

Aging with Grace 2020

Aging with Grace 2020

Aging with Grace in Your
Age-Friendly Home

Aging with Grace 2021

Aging with Grace 2021

Powering Through Our Ever-Changing World